"Praise God, from Whom all blessings flow;
Praise Him, all creatures here below;
Praise Him above, ye Heavenly Host;
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen."

"As one who a mother comforts, so will I comfort you... then shall ye suck. ye shall be borne upon her sides and be dandled upon her knees." Isaiah 66: 13a,12b

"Whoso is simple, let him turn in hither..." Proverbs 9:4a

Monday, October 1, 2007

Monday Meanderings

1. Bible Study /Devotions - I still have not come across any devotions that I can call regular. I read the Bible daily and that is pretty much all for now. I did subscribe to Above Rubies email list, but I don't think I have received an email yet. (However I have not checked my email for several days now) I will however be checking out the one's that Tiany listed on her post for this week.

2. "Must Do" -

  • Help kids get re-enrolled in school
  • Set up a system in my notebook to keep track of Bible verses and thoughts concerning them
  • Continue organizing personal spaces
  • Continue before bed routines and morning routines
  • Get some interview outfits together... that fit! :)

3. Zones -

Last week I cleaned under the bathroom sink and some of the kitchen cabinets, but still have one left (pots and pans cabinet) that really needs some attention. And the outside storage closet needs to be sorted through. My sis is having a garage sale and I would like to take most of the stuff over there to get rid of.

4. Train Them Up -

Teaching by example has been having a real and true impact on the kids. I am just living the way God has put in me to live and let that do the rest. My 3rd son happened to catch part of the "I want my daddy" sermon I talked about here. He didn't really say anything, but I overheard him sharing some of what he heard to my 2nd son. Their father is a mirror image of my father. I pray for healing for them concerning him.

5. Meal Planning -

My mentally planning meals and making out grocery lists has been working out pretty well. I cook once day, on the weekends twice and everyone seems pretty happy. :) I want to cut down what we are spending on groceries each week. We were spending around $150 a wk., last week we consciously cut it down to about $120 (that's $120 a month saved... yay!), so we will see what we can do this week. :)

Meal Suggestions:

1. Steak, mashed potatoes, sweet peas & carrots, macaroni n cheese

2. Hamburgers, french fries

3. Chili over rice, cornbread

4. Baked chicken, white rice w/ butter, corn, macaroni n cheese, cornbread

5. Chicken enchiladas, spanish rice, refried beans

6. BBQ chicken, potato salad, baked beans, corn on the cob, white bread

I would also like to make a banana nut bread this week... may try this recipe... yummmmmmmm :)


Sallie said...

My friend gave me a banana nut bread recipe that had butterscotch chips in it.. it was yummy!

God bless,

P.S. I must have bad etiquette because I post more than once a day ....LOL

Bella @ Lil Daisies said...

Michele-- Here is the recipe I use for Lentil Tacos. It is really yummy and fairly easy. Check out my Hints at the end of the recipe. http://lildaisiesgourmetpantry.blogspot.com/2007/10/best-lentil-tacos.html

Michele said...

Hi Sallie and Bella... Thank you so much for commenting :)

yummm that recipe sounds good. hahahha okay I am not alone then... I figure if I have something to say, I should write it, right? :) yeah I am not too good with etiquette, my kids say I have no filter from my brain to my mouth sometimes. I think it's just old age creepin up :)

and thank you Bella for the recipe I am going to check it out right now. :)