"Praise God, from Whom all blessings flow;
Praise Him, all creatures here below;
Praise Him above, ye Heavenly Host;
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen."

"As one who a mother comforts, so will I comfort you... then shall ye suck. ye shall be borne upon her sides and be dandled upon her knees." Isaiah 66: 13a,12b

"Whoso is simple, let him turn in hither..." Proverbs 9:4a

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Playing Catch Up :)

I did get some one :) thing accomplished from the Monday Meandering "Must Do" List... I started on updating my Organization Folder. I removed a lot of the clutter and scaled it down a bit. Tonight I will start with my before-bed-routine again. As I sit on here right now, I am not dressed... still in my nightgown. Will start that tomorrow. The Zones... wow... I think I was being a little optimistic in thinking of getting all of that accomplished, but you never know... that may be the "tiredness" talking. I am going to start with the kitchen cabinets this afternoon. And if it goes smoothly (cuz they have really been neglected), I will start the bathroom cabinet this evening or tomorrow morning. Organizing the kids personal stuff may have to wait till the weekend.

When I woke up this morn, I rediscovered the Animal Planet Channel's Sunrise Earth. That program is such a nice thing to have on the TV in the morning. Even if I am not looking at the TV, the sounds of the outdoors are soothing and a welcome reminder of nature.

If I have time, I think I am going to finish up a dress I started making several months ago. Just the hem and the buttons are left to be done. And continue working on my godson's quilt for his son.

Time to get to work...


Disney for Boys said...

We love the mornings on discovery, beautiful aren't they!?

Michele said...

hi tiany :)

yes they are! I just love that show... It is so peaceful.

I hope all is well with you and yours! :)